Our Latest News

Here at Sand Run Pharmacy, we are committed to keeping you up to date on the latest health and medical news as well as those issues that hit us closer to home, here in West Akron.
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Walking Benefits

Starting to exercise can be intimidating but by just walking daily you have a good start at improving your health. By regularly walking at a ...
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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Sunscreen!

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen before going outside, even if it is cloudy! The suns UV rays can still reach your skin even if there ...
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Help is There if You Need it

Starting July 16, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number will be 988. This will allow for an easier number to remember and use for those ...
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SureMed ® Packaging for Medications

Whether you take several medications every day, or have varying times of day when your medication is supposed to be dosed, the SureMed ® multiple ...
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Apps available for health or fitness

There are many apps available on Apple and Android phones that can help you reach your specific fitness goals. They can do things like break ...
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Exercise and you……

The American Heart Association has indicated that everyone should be getting 150 minutes of exercise per week to maintain a healthy heart, with many other ...
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Reduce your fall risk

Falls are the leading cause of both injuries and death from injuries in the older adult population. However, there are many ways to limit these ...
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Need a good Probiotic?

If you’re looking for a daily probiotic supplement, we have a great option for you: Ortho Biotic® from #OrthoMolecularProducts. Ortho Biotic® is a unique formula ...
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Is Custom Compounding right for you?

Is medication compounding right for you? Talk to our pharmacist today to learn more.
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Traumeric contains a natural combination of curcumin, turmeric root proteins, turmeric root fibers and turmeric essential oils, which all provide powerful therapeutic benefit. In addition, ...
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The Updated Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Now Available

No Appointment is necessary. We are administering them Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am- 12pm
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Heartburn is something that affects millions of people around the country. Tobacco use, pregnancy, fatty meals, coffee, soda and certain spices can tend to have ...
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Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month, and it’s important to take care of our physical and mental health as we age. Here are some tips for ...
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Vaccines? Do I need them?

Yes! Vaccines are an important part of preventative healthcare that protect us from serious and sometimes deadly diseases. There are several common vaccines that everyone ...
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National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and it’s a time to promote the importance of vaccinations. Vaccines help protect against many serious diseases, and getting ...
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Dry Eye’s and Styes

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but there are simple steps you can take to prevent and manage symptoms. Blinking regularly, using artificial tears ...
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Healthy Vision Tips

Did you know that certain nutrients can help support healthy vision? Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines can help prevent ...
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Healthy Vision Month

July is Healthy Vision Month, and it’s a time to focus on maintaining good eye health. Here are some tips for keeping your eyes healthy: ...
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Adult Multivitamins

Multivitamin use can play a beneficial role in supporting the health of adults. While a balanced and varied diet should provide essential nutrients, dietary restrictions ...
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Happy Holidays!

With the holiday season upon us, it’s important to take extra precautions to avoid getting sick. One simple way to reduce your risk of illness ...
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Good hygiene? What’s that?

Practicing good hygiene is crucial during flu season to reduce the risk of getting sick. Washing your hands frequently, especially before eating or touching your ...
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