Our Latest News

Here at Sand Run Pharmacy, we are committed to keeping you up to date on the latest health and medical news as well as those issues that hit us closer to home, here in West Akron.
Latest Newsletter

How much sugar is in your diet?

According to the CDC, 36.5% of Americans are obese, making us one of the most overweight countries in the world. Added sugar is directly related ...
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The benefits of dietary fiber

What is glycemic index? Glycemic index is a term used to describe how quickly your body metabolizes carbohydrates. When you eat white bread, your stomach ...
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What is CoQ-10?

Also known as Coenzyme-Q10, this is something made naturally by our bodies. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells, organs and tissues from ...
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Vitamin D, harnessing the power of the sun for strong bones, healthy teeth, and more!

Vitamin D promotes healthy bones and teeth, but did you know it can also strengthen your heart? And your immune system? This is a vitamin ...
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Healthy fats and unhealthy fats

Here in the United States we are scared of fats. Fats make us gain weight and lead to things like heart disease and obesity. But ...
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Adren-All and Adapten-All

Stress levels are on the rise. Increased screen time, poor diets, less exercise all contribute. Higher stress causes a decline in focus, lower energy and ...
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Mood imbalances such as irritability, nervousness and worry can be caused by a variety of stressors. The feelings can be triggered when an event makes ...
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Strokes and your health

Each year over 900,000 people in the US will have a stroke.  It is important to recognize the signs of a stroke and seek help ...
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Do I Need Antibiotics?

Cold and flu season is upon us! One commonly asked question is – do I need antibiotics? Antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial infections, ...
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Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

June is also Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, and it’s a time to raise awareness about dementia. Dementia is a general term for a decline ...
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Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month, and it’s important for men to take care of their physical and mental health. Here are some tips for staying ...
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Stay Healthy

As the weather heats up, it’s important to prioritize hydration and sun protection. Remember to drink plenty of water and consider carrying a reusable water ...
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Poison Prevention

Poison Prevention Poisoning is a serious and potentially life-threatening emergency, especially in children. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent poisonings and a ...
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Spring Clean Out

Spring Clean Out Spring is the perfect time to clean out your medicine cabinet and safely dispose of any expired or unused medications. Leaving these ...
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Forgetting to take your medications?

Remembering to take your medication is really important for your health, but it can be hard sometimes. Here are some tips to help you remember: ...
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Flu-proof Your Winter

Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent the flu, and National Influenza Vaccination Week is a reminder to prioritize your health during flu season. ...
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Supporting Diabetes Naturally

Here are some examples of non-pharmaceutical options and vitamins that can support diabetes management:
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Diabetes? What is it?

November is American Diabetes Month, raising awareness about the chronic condition and its potential complications. To manage diabetes, it’s important to consult with your healthcare ...
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